This game is really intense! It feels like your on a roller coaster but a futuristic one! And it reminds me a little bit of Tron Legacy as well. I do have problems with this game though. First, why do I need to sign into my iTunes account!? Im not used to signing into my iTunes account to just play a game. I also dont understand why I need to pay money just to play extra tracks. And another thing is why is it made for 7.1 and above. I updated my iPad just to play this game. (Which I wont complain about, since I needed to update it) I mean it doesnt seem like that much programming was put into the game. Make it 7.0 or lower. And then maybe people with an iPhone 4 or 4S can play this game too instead of giving negative reviews about a game they havent even played.
Cool bro7 about HexSweep